Slow speed picture et pose B

I would like to show you in this section what we called Slow speed picture...

I love this kind of picture, to me it's the most interesting part of Photographie, you can lahe foggy escape and show movement
trying to get the water fluid and clear

To do it, you need to put iso at maximum and to close the focal at maximum ( f=22) to slow the light entrance until you reach 3 sec speed at least.... Than you need to have long exposure time to correctly expose your picture....

making the wave foggy
most of the time i use 8 until 25 sec speed, using neutral diffuser filter from cokin (french brand) but i guess the best are the Lee one...

Lately i 've been using 130 180 sec exposure time, using the B mode of the reflex with a remote control... But i have a good friend who 's using  8 minutes time...

iso 80  8 sec

you need

A tripod
A remote control
2 battery (this kind of picture are consomming a lot of energy)
And to check the time of sunset.....
A camera that allow you until 30 sec speed or B mode...
iso 80 130 sec night conditions are the best but also you see the Earth rotation (look at the star and the moon)
with high wind blowing
rock over and under water